La asociación ilícita como método de clonación de procesos

In this work we critically approach the figure of the illicit association from a double perspective: historical and constitutional, questioning its theoretical foundations and its jurisprudential use. We connect your employment with arbitrary criminal proceedings where procedural guarantees are usua...

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Main Authors: Zaffaroni, Eugenio Raúl, Leonardo Croxatto, Guido
Format: Article
Published: 2020
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Source:Vox Juris, ISSN 1812-6804, Vol. 38, Nº. 1, 2020, pags. 53-72
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Vox Juris, ISSN 1812-6804, Vol. 38, Nº. 1, 2020, pags. 53-72
Asociación ilítica
clonación de procesos
derecho dúctil
Asociación ilítica
clonación de procesos
derecho dúctil
Zaffaroni, Eugenio Raúl
Leonardo Croxatto, Guido
La asociación ilícita como método de clonación de procesos
In this work we critically approach the figure of the illicit association from a double perspective: historical and constitutional, questioning its theoretical foundations and its jurisprudential use. We connect your employment with arbitrary criminal proceedings where procedural guarantees are usually violated. We recover its political history in times of witch hunts, when the term „subversive association“ is born, in times of persecution of the coven, taken by many contemporary historians (especially feminist as Silvia Federici) as forms of resistance to new forms of organization of rural property (since behind the witch hunt was the expansion of rural capitalism) or resistance to the privatization of land in Europe. We conclude, making a parallel with the witch hunt (political criminalization program), that the alternative to the constant and growing criminalization of marginalized sectors (historical replica of that political process, accompanied by the Inquisition, whose practices do not seem to have escaped the all our courts: the inquisitive model is still in force) must go through the critical construction of a Latin American law aware of its social and economic challenges, conflicts that always translate into punitive practices. We propose, in short, the construction (in the face of the allegedly neutral and apolitical boom of prison governance) of a Right - and a criminology and a State - to stop looking for witches to hunt. A guideline that can also serve more than three decades of Rosa del Olmo and Lola Anillar de Castro (not coincidentally two women, two “witches”) introducing critical criminology throughout Latin America, to rethink the new challenges facing our criminology nowadays.
Zaffaroni, Eugenio Raúl
Leonardo Croxatto, Guido
Zaffaroni, Eugenio Raúl
Leonardo Croxatto, Guido
Zaffaroni, Eugenio Raúl
La asociación ilícita como método de clonación de procesos
La asociación ilícita como método de clonación de procesos
La asociación ilícita como método de clonación de procesos
La asociación ilícita como método de clonación de procesos
La asociación ilícita como método de clonación de procesos
la asociación ilícita como método de clonación de procesos
dialnet-ar-18-ART00014779962022-06-04La asociación ilícita como método de clonación de procesosZaffaroni, Eugenio RaúlLeonardo Croxatto, GuidoAsociación ilíticaclonación de procesosderecho dúctilIn this work we critically approach the figure of the illicit association from a double perspective: historical and constitutional, questioning its theoretical foundations and its jurisprudential use. We connect your employment with arbitrary criminal proceedings where procedural guarantees are usually violated. We recover its political history in times of witch hunts, when the term „subversive association“ is born, in times of persecution of the coven, taken by many contemporary historians (especially feminist as Silvia Federici) as forms of resistance to new forms of organization of rural property (since behind the witch hunt was the expansion of rural capitalism) or resistance to the privatization of land in Europe. We conclude, making a parallel with the witch hunt (political criminalization program), that the alternative to the constant and growing criminalization of marginalized sectors (historical replica of that political process, accompanied by the Inquisition, whose practices do not seem to have escaped the all our courts: the inquisitive model is still in force) must go through the critical construction of a Latin American law aware of its social and economic challenges, conflicts that always translate into punitive practices. We propose, in short, the construction (in the face of the allegedly neutral and apolitical boom of prison governance) of a Right - and a criminology and a State - to stop looking for witches to hunt. A guideline that can also serve more than three decades of Rosa del Olmo and Lola Anillar de Castro (not coincidentally two women, two “witches”) introducing critical criminology throughout Latin America, to rethink the new challenges facing our criminology nowadays.En este trabajo abordamos críticamente la figura de la asociación ilícita bajo una doble perspectiva: histórica y constitucional, cuestionando sus basamentos teóricos y su utilización jurisprudencial. Conectamos su empleo con procesos penales arbitrarios donde las garantías procesales suelen ser vulneradas. Recuperamos su historia política en tiempos de la caza de brujas, cuando nace el término “asociación subversiva”, en tiempos de persecución del aquelarre, tomado por muchos historiadores contemporáneos (sobretodo feminista como Silvia Federici) como formas de resistencia a nuevas formas de organización de la propiedad rural (ya que detrás de la caza de brujas estuvo la expansión del capitalismo rural) o de resistencia a la privatización de las tierras en Europa.Concluimos, haciendo un paralelo con la caza de brujas (programa político de criminalización), que la alternativa a la criminalización constante y creciente de sectores marginados (réplica histórica de aquel proceso político, acompañado por la Inquisición, de cuyas prácticas no parecen haberse librado del todo nuestros tribunales: el modelo inquisitivo sigue vigente) debe pasar por la construcción crítica de un derecho latinoamericano consciente de sus desafíos sociales y sobretodo económicos, conflictos que siempre se traducen en prácticas punitivas. Proponemos, en definitiva, la construcción (frente al auge presuntamente neutral y apolítico de la gobernanza carcelaria) de un Derecho -y una criminología y un Estadoque deje(n) de buscar brujas para cazar . Pauta que puede servir también, a más de tres décadas de que Rosa del Olmo y Lola Anillar de Castro (no casualmente dos mujeres, dos “brujas”) introdujeran la criminología critica en toda América Latina, para repensar los nuevos desafíos que enfrenta nuestra criminología en la actualidad.DOI (article)application/pdf ISSN 1812-6804Vox Juris, ISSN 1812-6804, Vol. 38, Nº. 1, 2020, pags. 53-72spaLICENCIA DE USO: Los documentos a texto completo incluidos en Dialnet son de acceso libre y propiedad de sus autores y/o editores. Por tanto, cualquier acto de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública y/o transformación total o parcial requiere el consentimiento expreso y escrito de aquéllos. Cualquier enlace al texto completo de estos documentos deberá hacerse a través de la URL oficial de éstos en Dialnet. Más información: | INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS STATEMENT: Full text documents hosted by Dialnet are protected by copyright and/or related rights. This digital object is accessible without charge, but its use is subject to the licensing conditions set by its authors or editors. Unless expressly stated otherwise in the licensing conditions, you are free to linking, browsing, printing and making a copy for your own personal purposes. All other acts of reproduction and communication to the public are subject to the licensing conditions expressed by editors and authors and require consent from them. Any link to this document should be made using its official URL in Dialnet. More info: