Audiencia Preliminar y disminución del Estándar Probatorio. Apuntes para una reforma procesal en Cuba

This paper focuses on analyzing the absence of regulation of the rule of the standard of proof in the Cuban civil procedure system, since this is necessary in view of the upcoming changes in our country's procedural reform. Hence, a theoretical foundation is proposed regarding the need to regul...

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Egile Nagusiak: Sardá Lloga, Eduardo Antonio, Desloy Hechavarría, Dariela Katia, Medina Marcheco, Tahimí Beatriz
Formatua: Artikulua
Argitaratua: 2020
Sarrera elektronikoa:
Baliabidea:Estudios de derecho, ISSN 0120-1867, Vol. 77, Nº. 170, 2020, pags. 71-94
Etiketak: Etiketa erantsi
Etiketarik gabe: Izan zaitez lehena erregistro honi etiketa jartzen