Marx, el espacio geográfico y el Estado

This article aims to be a modest contribution to the old and never fully resolved polemic about the role of space in Marx's theory, understanding that there is, implicitly, a powerful analysis of the geographical space in the last two chapters of the first volume of Capital. There appears a ten...

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Xehetasun bibliografikoak
Egile nagusia: Nievas, Flabián
Formatua: Artikulua
Argitaratua: 2018
Sarrera elektronikoa:
Baliabidea:SAPIENTIAE, ISSN 2183-5063, Vol. 4, Nº. 1, 2018 (Ejemplar dedicado a: JULHO-DEZEMBRO 2018), pags. 96-111
Etiketak: Etiketa erantsi
Etiketarik gabe: Izan zaitez lehena erregistro honi etiketa jartzen