Quem pode menos paga mais: tributação sobre o consumo no Brasil e democracia

The Brazilian tax levied on the consumption matrix has been poorly understood, not only by those suffering such an impact, but also by the common law under the higher courts. Several conceptual misinterpretations have been verified concerning the elements of the legal relationship involving the taxa...

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Xehetasun bibliografikoak
Egile Nagusiak: de Barros e Silva, Rafael Santos, Gassen, Valcir
Formatua: Artikulua
Argitaratua: 2011
Sarrera elektronikoa:https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/oaiart?codigo=5120210
Baliabidea:Revista Brasileira de Direito, ISSN 2238-0604, Vol. 7, Nº. 2, 2011 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Revista Brasileira de Direito), pags. 167-199
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