Significado y aportes de la Constitución de Cádiz de 1812 en el constitucionalismo español e iberoamericano

The purpose of this article is to study the influence of the Constitution of 1812, which is the magna charta of Spanish and Latin American liberalism. This was the main Spanish contribution to modern constitutionalism. Its analysis includes not only its legal text itself but also its historic and in...

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Xehetasun bibliografikoak
Egile nagusia: Massó Garrote, Marcos Francisco
Formatua: Artikulua
Argitaratua: Fundación Iuris Tantum 2011
Sarrera elektronikoa:
Baliabidea:Revista Boliviana de Derecho, ISSN 2070-8157, Nº. 12, 2011, pags. 122-149
Etiketak: Etiketa erantsi
Etiketarik gabe: Izan zaitez lehena erregistro honi etiketa jartzen

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