O federalismo como sistema de proteção dos direitos fundamentais

The independence movements of the American colonies were the trigger to the creation of a new model of state organization, which with firm purpose of giving prestige to the fundamental rights, without exaggeratedly limiting the independence newly conquered, introduced the feudalism. The main idea of...

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Xehetasun bibliografikoak
Egile nagusia: Franco Neme, Eliana
Formatua: Artikulua
Argitaratua: 2007
Sarrera elektronikoa:https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/oaiart?codigo=4818302
Baliabidea:Seqüência: estudos jurídicos e políticos, ISSN 2177-7055, Vol. 28, Nº. 55, 2007, pags. 95-118
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