Distribución del riesgo en el contrato de agencia comercial

The creation of the contract supposes the journey trough its juridical definition. This is the reason why it becomes very important to identify both promotion and distribution of risks as distinctive elements of commercial agency contracts. Also, it has to be said that these elements are complements...

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Xehetasun bibliografikoak
Egile nagusia: Mendieta Pineda, Jaime Alberto
Formatua: Artikulua
Argitaratua: Universidad Externado de Colombia 2006
Sarrera elektronikoa:http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/oaiart?codigo=3623192
Baliabidea:Revista e-mercatoria, ISSN 1692-3960, Nº. 1, 2006, pags. 120-145
Etiketak: Etiketa erantsi
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