TY - JOUR T1 - El ejercicio ilegal de la abogacía en Costa Rica A1 - Harbottle Quirós, Frank PB - Universidad de Costa Rica. Colegio de Abogados de Costa Rica YR - 2009 UL - http://biblioteca.ararteko.eus/Record/dialnet-ar-18-ART0000391992 AB - In Costa Rica, the illegal practice of a profession and specifically the legal profession remains valid. The national jurisprudence and the doctrine do not have a uniform criterion regarding if the behaviour described in the penal type has to carry out of habitual way. Exist different positions regarding the legally protected right in this crime. The subject concursal with the crime of swindling has generated judicial resolutions with criteria very diverse. KW - Abogacía KW - Abogado KW - Autorización KW - Bien Jurídico Tutelado KW - Código Penal KW - Colegiatura Obligatoria KW - Colegio Profesional KW - Concurso de Delitos KW - Delito KW - Dolo KW - Ejercicio KW - Estafa KW - Habilitación KW - Habitual KW - Ilegal KW - Incorporación KW - Ley Orgánica KW - Pena KW - Profesión KW - Prohibición KW - Proyecto de Ley KW - Reconocimiento KW - Sentencia KW - Suspensión KW - Tipo KW - Título KW - Universidad KW - Advocacy KW - Lawyer KW - Authorization KW - Legally Protected Right KW - Penal Code KW - Colegiatura Compulsory KW - Professional School KW - Joinder of Crimes KW - Crime KW - Malice KW - Exercise KW - Swindling KW - Habilitation KW - Illegal KW - Incorporation KW - Organic Law KW - Penalty KW - Profession KW - Prohibition KW - Project of Law KW - Recognition KW - Sentence KW - Suspension KW - Type KW - Title KW - University ER -