TY - JOUR T1 - Los límites argumentativos de la Corte Constitucional Colombiana a la luz de la teoría de Toulim: el caso de la "Unión Marital de Hecho" de las parejas homosexuales A1 - Restrepo Amariles, David PB - Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana YR - 2008 UL - http://biblioteca.ararteko.eus/Record/dialnet-ar-18-ART0000253703 AB - The struggle for rights recognition undertaken by the homosexual population in Colombia has found in the judicial power a proper arena to advance their claims. This article presents the argumentative processes that unveil the conservative position recently assumed by the Colombian Constitutional Court regarding the rights recognition of the homosexual population. First, the article lays down a general overview of the decisions made by the Court on that issue. Then, it focuses on the decision C-075/07 that denied the extension of civil effects of the �unión marital de hecho� (cohabitation-common law marriage) in the same terms that they are granted to heterosexual couples. The analysis is undertaken in the light of Toulmin´s theory of argumentation and shows the necessity of using more comprehensive models of argumentation for analyzing decisions of Constitutional Courts with strong tendency to judicial activism. KW - Derechos de grupos especiales KW - Grupo sexual minoritario KW - Unión consensual KW - Teoría de la Argumentación KW - Droits de groupes spéciaux KW - Minorité sexuelle KW - Union consensuelle KW - Théorie de l�argumentation KW - Rights of special groups KW - Gender minorities KW - Consensual Union KW - Theory of Argumentation ER - Cannot write session to /tmp/vufind_sessions/sess_7eed70dlkldetv14jedudn2efn