Annual report on migration and asylum

The annual National Reports on Migration and Asylum provided by EMN NCPs aimed at describing the migration and asylum situation and developments in the Member State and Norway, as well as statistical data specifically for the year 2019. National contributions were largely based on desk analysis of e...

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Xehetasun bibliografikoak
Izenburuaren aldaera: Policy analysis report on asylum and migration
Aurreko izunburua: Annual policy report on migration and asylum
Beste egile batzuk: European Migration Network
Formatua: Sail elektronikoa Linean
Hizkuntza: Ingelesa
Argitaratua: Dublin : European Migration Network, 2005-
Lan-arloak: Etorkinak
Sarrera elektronikoa: Ikusi argitalpena webean
Etiketak: Etiketa erantsi
Etiketarik gabe: Izan zaitez lehena erregistro honi etiketa jartzen
Laburpena: The annual National Reports on Migration and Asylum provided by EMN NCPs aimed at describing the migration and asylum situation and developments in the Member State and Norway, as well as statistical data specifically for the year 2019. National contributions were largely based on desk analysis of existing legislation and policy documents, reports, academic literature, internet resources and reports and information from national authorities and practitioners. Statistics were mainly sourced from Eurostat, national authorities and other (national) databases. It is important to note that the information contained in this Report refers to the situation in the abovementioned Member States and Norway during 2019 and specifically the contributions from their EMN National Contact Points. More detailed information on the topics addressed here may be found in the available EMN 2019 Natonal Reports on Migration and Asylum and it is strongly recommended that these are consulted as well
Argitaratua: n. 2004 (2005)-
Deskribapen fisikoa: 1 recurso en línea : PDF
Argitaratze maiztasuna: Anual
Formatua: Modo de acceso: World Wide Web
Deskripzioaren jatorria: Consultado el 13/10/2020
Entre n. 2007 y n. 2015, título: Annual policy report on migration and asylum
Entre n. 2004 y n. 2006, título: Annual policy report on migration and asylum
Título tomado de la página de inicio (Consultada el 13 de octubre de 2020)
Descripción basada en n. 2016 (2017)